Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This isn't Kansas!

Let me just tell ya...last night I was scared!  I was home alone (well, me and the dog) when the TV screen went blank and a TORNADO WATCH came across the screen.  I was on the phone with a dear friend who I am not even sure I said "bye" to.  I ran downstairs with the dog, my cell phone and the house phone.  We live in a split level house, so there is not a basement.  I decided the hallway/laundry room was the safest place.  I closed all the doors and sat down and prayed.  I seriously had no idea what to do.  I just sat there.  My phone rang several time - my dad, Rodney, Rodney's mom, Holly.  While I was grateful for friends and family looking out for my safety, it all reminded me of the reality of the situation.  You see, the tornado was reported crossing the state line and headed for straight towards me.  After it was all over, I found out that the storm went just west of my neighborhood, but after seeing the pictures I don't regret spending 45 minutes sitting in a laundry room!

I am not sure who was brave enough to take these pictures (they should have been hiding in a basement!), but this is only about 2 miles from my house!
I think someone needs to let Mother Nature know that this isn't Kansas!

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