Sunday, August 21, 2011

World Series

Have I told you that we are baseball fans?  As I sit here and think about it, it's strange how much I enjoy baseball.  I didn't grow up in a baseball family.  My brother didn't play baseball, we didn't watch it on TV, and I don't remember going to any baseball games (maybe I did and I just don't remember).  However, baseball has become my own family's niche.  That's who we a family.  It's funny how that works.  Does your family have a niche...something that helps define who you are? 

Anyways...guess what we were doing this weekend? How'd you guess?  Watching baseball!  Every year we make the trek to the Little League World Series.  It's AMAZING! Watching 12 year old boys from around the world play together.  Of course they are playing against each other, while they are on the field.  But when they are not in uniform, they are running around the park.  It's really cool.  And as always, we had a super time! We couldn't decide if we were cheering for the Southeast team (Georgia) or the Mid Atlantic team (Pennsylvania).  We decided on Mid Atlantic...go Keystone!

We went with our friends: Becky, Gary, Cory, and Jack (Gary's dad).

My sister, Kerry, and her family met us there as well.  We all enjoyed several games, including a record attendance game Friday night.   This is what 42,000 people look like...

With this many people, there was an awesome "wave"

And we met "friends"...the people beside us were locals, and very interesting.  They had about a four foot square space and about 12 not-so-small people.  They oozed onto my blanket and treated me like family.  One of them had a teddy bear tattoo, one just bought a van that needed to be towed to their house, they all had potty mouths and an Uncle Bubba!  When I heard them talking about Uncle Bubba  For all of you with an Uncle Bubba, I apologize, I just couldn't help myself!

Two things you should notice in this picture. you see that man's leg on my red blanket? Yeah...that was just part of the oozong. you see that brown stuff on the back of my shorts?  Hmmm - that's a whole other story!  The short version is that there was a storm earlier in the day, the hill was wet and muddy, I was wearing flip flops - do you see where I'm going with this?  Yes, I fell.  How embarrassing!  There were people everywhere.  I was on the phone with Kerry trying to tell her what we were doing.  My phone went flying, my sunglasses flew off my head and my whole right side was covered in mud.  Go ahead...laugh...I'll wait.............are you done yet? I was not laughing at the time, but it is quite funny when I think about it now.  Glad I could make you smile today!
Moving on...At the local bakery we bought cookies for the boys. YUM-O!

We are blessed to be able to have opportunities like this.  Making memories is one of my favorite things to do!

Thanks for the memories!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Beach Diaries - Day 7 I am a little late with this one! It's not my fault, really.  I was determined to enjoy every last minute of vacation - and I mean every. last. minute.  So there was no time for blogging Friday night and then I spent the entire day on Saturday in the truck.  But here I am on Sunday, with laundry up to my ears, mail out the ying-yang and an empty refrigerator.  But I am not going to let my readers down (all three of you).  You will get the final beach post.

Friday morning we headed to a flea market.  I was excited about finding some cool antiques or old furniture.  It wasn't meant to be.  This flea market was full of junk things other people might really like.  However, I did not come away empty handed.

Let me back up a few years...three years to be exact.  My mom, sisters and I went to a flea market.  There, my sisters and I all bought matching sunglasses.  Tammy got brown, Kerry got black and I got white. 

 Don't we look cute?  But this was three years ago, so needless to say, it was time for a new pair.  Luckily the flea market is just the place to find cheap sunglasses.

Tammy got brown, Kerry got black and I got white (sound familiar?).
Whew! Can you tell how bad the humidity was?  Just look at my hair - I can't believe I am putting this picture on my blog!  Maybe I should have bought a hat instead!

Stay approximately 3 years we'll be back!

Did I tell you that Dakota loves the beach too?  Well, he does.  He has been to the ocean several times and just loves it.  We throw his football in the water and he chases it. It's fun to watch him with the waves.  He is very smart.  He watches the waves and has never been tumbled over. He brings his ball back and begs for more.

Shawn wanted to play one last time too.  It will be another year until we get to the beach :(

We had a fabulous week.  I love my family and the time we spend together.  Buddha once said, "A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another.  If these minds love one another, the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden.  But if these minds get out of harmony with one another it is like a storm that plays havoc with the garden."  Here's to a beautiful flower garden!

Ya'll come back now, ya hear!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Beach Diaries - Day 6


You betcha we're having fun!  This morning started early...really early.  And perhaps it wasn't really fun.  But it was necessary...

A brake caliber broke on Rodney's truck yesterday.  Isn't it great when things like this happen far away from home?  We were backing up at the campground general store when we heard this horrible metal scratching-dragging-screeching sound.  I seriously thought Rodney backed over some small child on a bike.  Fortunately, that was not the case. Nevertheless, I was a nervous wreck.  We have a 31 foot camper to tow home in a few days and our truck was stuck at a general store.  My very calm husband walked me back to the camper and had my dad and Jeff take him to the auto store to buy parts.  This morning they all got up, even Evan, and helped get it fixed.  I am grateful for my dad's mechanical background and for everyone else's willingness to pitch in...even when it's dirty work!

 So...when the work was all done, we could go play!  And play we did!!! We went to a water park today and had a splash blast.  I'll warn you now...there are a lot of pictures.  I just couldn't decide which ones to use.

We loved the slides.  Head first, feet first, tubes or mats.  Everyone has their own strategy.  Mine is usually laughing the whole time and trying not to go too fast.  Rodney's is to figure out how to go the fastest.  Evan's is to look good going down.  
We also enjoyed the lazy river.  We are on vacation after all.  Being lazy is allowed!  I love that all five cousins hooked up like a train and stuck together. 
Shawn, Dani, Evan, Adam, Jennifer (and some kid that wishes he could be a part of our family)

I hope your day was as fun as mine! 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Beach Diaries - Day 5

More B's

By now you should know that I LOVE sitting on the beach.  I put my chair right by the edge of the water and get lost in a good book, or talking to my sisters, or people watching, or...well it doesn't really matter what I get lost in.  As long as I don't lose my chair, life is good!
Today we looked for sand crabs (even though they are not really crabs, but I've always called them sand crabs, so I don't know what else to call them...).  They are fun little creatures.  Once you pick one up and put it back on the sand, it just lays there - for a little while.  Then SLOWLY it sticks its little "foot" out and begins to crawl under the sand.  It was quite funny when I realized that we were all sitting around watching this pour little guy do his thing.

I told you we can't get enough of it!  Tonight we went to a local minor league baseball game.  We had a blast!
 We cheered for both teams, ate junk food, and made friends with the people around us (they were laughing, but I am not sure if it was with us or at us).

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Beach Diaries - Day 4

You know how there are some things that you just can't get enough of...
For's baseball.  Baseball season is over for the year, but there are still balls being thrown around and bats swinging.  We found a baseball outlet store and bought Shawn a new glove.  He couldn't wait to break it in. Danielle was kind enough to throw with him.
I love that Shawn has a passion.  Even in the scorching hot sun, on vacation, he is thinking about baseball.  Oprah Winfrey once said, "Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you."  Now if I could only get him passionate about cleaning his room...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Beach Diaries - Day 3


I am a very patriotic person.  I love our country.  Every time I stand to hear "The Star Spangled Banner" I get chills and tears in my eyes...yes, even after all of the baseball games I have been to, it still hasn't lost its meaning.  We are blessed to have men and women choosing to serve and protect our country.  My dad spent 20 years in the Air Force.  I am sure this is where my patriotic roots began.  So what does this have to do with being at the beach???  For the last couple of days my family has been blessed to have a Marine with us.  My nephew, Tyler, was able to come visit for a few days. 

Trying to get a picture of him is not an easy feat.  Be ready for a flow of goofy grins, "serious" thinking, and manly muscles.  It's model-mania when you point the camera his way! But he's so much fun.

Tyler had to leave tonight to go back to base.  Spending time with him has served as a reminder that all of our men and women in uniform have families, hobbies and personalities.  They take their jobs seriously, however, let's not forget that they are sons, daughters, husbands, wives, nieces, nephews, etc.  I am so grateful for Tyler and his decision to serve our country.

Tyler - I am so proud of you.  You bring honor to our family.  You have earned your title and place in the Marine Corps.  It hasn't been easy, but you have endured.  You are courageous and brave and we love you!